Portraits of Castellare
I found out very soon, after buying Castellare at the end of the 70’s, that harvesting is never the same. Not only for the weather, sunshine or rain, but above all for the feeling that dominates the souls depending on whether the whole year, not just the last days, has been good, bad or ordinary. This difference of mood, from delight to delusion, is always depicted on the face of those who have the responsibility of harvesting but also on the face of farmers or simple harvesters – college students, unemployed or retired people – who come to Castellare only for 15 days per year. As in a representation of Greek tragedy, they immediately enter the whole part and atmosphere.
Looking for discoveries from Chianti to Piedmont, from Bordeaux to Napa Valley, I soon noticed that this variation of feelings is a transversal phenomenon, crossing the globe.
It is from this elementary discovery, but of great value for me, that originates the idea of portraying every vintage with the magical eye of a different photographer. Each year a great name, each year a great promise.
Paolo Panerai